
Top Content Ideas For Your Company Blog

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So you have a website that represents your business. But you can’t think of topics or article titles to update your website with.

Stop over thinking it and read the following on what type of content is easy to come up with that showcases what you do and helps educate your ideal clients about what you offer.

Firstly, why should you update your website or blog?

Updating your website not only shows that your business is activate and looking for more customers, updating your website also keeps Google happy and can help increase your website’s rank in Google’s search results. The more you update your website the more pages you have that Google can include in it’s search results.

Think of it as each new page you add to your website, there’s now one more doorway that a visitor can find your website and content online.

In simple terms here’s the benefits of updating your website or blog:

  • Active Company: Tells visitors you are still in business and open for more customers.
  • Company Credibility: Shows you know what you are talking about and capable of offering the product or service.
  • Brand Awareness: When you update your website and share those posts on Social Media or via email marketing you are gaining awareness about your company. (Social engagement of your website is also a ranking factor)
  • Search Ranking: The more you update your website the higher you rank in Google. (this is just one part of it, but it helps!)

Example Business Website Topics

Here’s a list of topics that you can start writing about now and update your website:

Testimonials / Case Studies

Nothing says “My company is great at what we do” better than a solid testimonial or case study that showcases examples of what type of company and or person has already received results or happiness from ordering your product or service. Text format is great, when you have it in video format (more challenging to get) it can be very powerful. Post these updates on your blog or create a category in your blog that showcases this and have your web designer display these in a prominent location on your website. Then be sure to share them on Social Media to get the full effect.

Educational Posts

Explain to the masses what it is that you do in more detail. Write in simple terms, not technical. Educate people about the benefits of your product or service. How are people going to benefit from using it? How will they feel? How are you going to solve their problem or enhance their lives with what you do?

Promotional Posts

What’s on special? Do you currently have a unique offer? When does it expire? Get the message out on your blog about what’s on special with a call to action on taking advantage of this unique offer. Maybe even create an area of your website to display on every page what your unique offer is. This can be setup in a way to strategically showcase the unique offer no matter what page they are on your website.

Featured Product or Service

Maybe you don’t offer specials or discounts but you can sure let people know about your featured product or service. Restaurants do this all the time. If you ask your server what’s on special and they mention “well tonight we are featuring our prime rib”, this prime rib may not be discounted but it’s mentioned by servers throughout the night and guess what you sell more prime rib this way. Feature your product or service more on your blog and your sales of that product/service will improve also.

Video Posts

 If you have ability to produce video content this is powerful way to post content that makes a higher impact than text based blog updates. You can still support the video with text based content. Although, video does make a bigger impact and can get your message across faster as well as entice the user for a longer period of time.

Changes or Enhancements to Your Company or Brand

What has changed in your business? Offer a new product or service? Enhance a current one? People want to know about what’s going on in your business. Spread the word! Romance your latest offering.

Something Fun or Inspirational

Updating your website with an inspirational post about the reason behind why you do what you do can help build your brand. Speak to your ideal customer and keep it fun and entertaining. In the end you want as many people to read your blog posts as possible. People will share your website / blog if it’s relevant to them or they like the content.

Send your blog posts to your email list and social media channels to get the most from updating your blog. Updating your website is step 1. Step 2 is marketing your blog or website to get people to read your posts. 

Client Results

We've helped 100s of companies over the last 10+ years grow their business online.
Here are some of their stories.

“As a client of ROI we are very pleased with the service. Kevin and his team go above and beyond to create a great client interaction which allows your vision, as the business owner, to come to life quickly and effectively. We have seen 200% in Jan for growth and 170% in Feb. Give your team and you my best!”

Cecil Bond, Mr. Cover All

“We are using Kevin and his team at ROI Web Marketing for our Hatstore at Granville Island to help boost our Google and Web Marketing activities. His process to learn about the client, their needs and wants as it relates to Internet Marketing is second to none! If you are wanting to promote your business online and get ranked higher on Google, there is nobody finer than ROI Web Marketing!“

Nate Toevs, Granville Island Hat Shop

“Can’t recommend this company for web and SEO marketing enough. Without them I don’t know where I’d be today. They’ve done everything from build my website to optimizing my keywords and build me up a great online presence. KEVIN and his team are very responsive to any of my questions or request. Thank you guys your amazing!“

Kurtis Martin, Unique Detailing

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