On March 16th, 2022, our very own Kevin Hicks and Rina Liddle from Liddleworks Indie Media will be presenting at BNI Urban Professionals (networking event).
You will learn:
- Case studies of successful digital marketing campaigns
- How important your website is for advertising success
- How Google Shopping has helped ecommerce business
- How different Internet marketing strategies can work for specific businesses
- What an average Google Advertising package looks like
This is a networking event held online via Zoom. It’s free to join and anyone can attend.
Registration is required. Contact us for more details if you’d like to attend.
Date: March 16th, 2022
Time: 6:45 am – 9 am
Cost: FREE
Location: Online via Zoom
You’ll meet 30+ business owners from all different types of industries. Expect to connect and bring a positive attitude.